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August 16, 2021

7 Reasons To Consider Laparoscopic Surgeries

Laparoscopy is a minimal access surgical procedure that involves a device called a laparoscope. A small keyhole or incision is made by the surgeon in the abdomen of the patient. The operation is done by inserting a camera-mounted telescope precisely inside that hole. The camera is attached to the TV monitor in the operating room through which the surgeon can easily view the organ that has to be operated on. After the procedure is completed, the instruments are removed from the abdomen and the keyhole is closed with stitches. The stitches are then cleaned and covered with bandages. Since the patients are under the effect of anaesthesia, they are mostly unconscious during the whole process.Laparoscopic surgery is generally used to treat thyroid, hernia, appendix, anorectal conditions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder stones and certain clinical conditions involving the pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, kidneys and the liver. This surgery liberates you from going through the complicated process of open surgery.

Why Consider Laparoscopic Surgeries?

There are several reasons for which you should consider laparoscopic surgery, a few of which are listed below:
  • Smaller Scars

    To perform laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes a very small incision as compared to the traditional open surgery. Since the cut is in the form of a small keyhole, there won’t be any significant or unmanageable marks on the body after the surgery.
  • Quick Recovery

    As mentioned earlier, the incision made for the surgery is small, so the recovery time is quick and the patient can resume normal activities within 1 to 2 days.
  • Less Pain

    The minimal procedure of the surgery mitigates the pain after the surgery.
  • Less Blood Discharge

    This surgery ensures that there is a minimal amount of discharge of blood preventing the patient from suffering a haemorrhage.
  • Low Infection Risk

    Since this procedure does not involve cutting open the body and there is no exposure of organs to any external factors, the risk of getting infected is almost zero.
  • Less Anaesthesia

    Laparoscopic surgery uses less anaesthesia, so there are no unwanted side effects of the drug.
  • Shorter Stay at the Hospital

    Due to the speedy recovery after the operation, patients don’t have to stay at the hospital for a long period.
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Types of Laparoscopic Surgeries

There are several types of laparoscopic surgeries. They are listed as follows:

Surgery for Anorectal Conditions

Anorectal refers to conditions related to the anus or rectum. These are caused due to overgrown or abnormal tissue growth in the rectum or anus region. Laparoscopic surgeries are the best treatment for this problem.

Appendix Surgery

Sudden inflammation of the appendix is known as Appendicitis. If you can recognize its symptoms, you can fend off the occurrence of consequential appendicitis complications. The most serious complication of appendicitis is an infection of the lining of your abdominal cavity. A ruptured appendix might be the cause of this infection.

Gall Bladder Surgery

The gall bladder is a small bag, which resembles a pear that sits underneath the liver on the right side of the abdomen. Like a bag, it stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver. This bile is released from the gallbladder after eating and digesting food. Gallstones are pieces of solid material that form in the gallbladder. These are developed due to the formation of hard particles made of cholesterol and pigments.


Hernia is a very painful situation that occurs when the contents of a body cavity protrude out of the membrane in which they are normally contained through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Performing surgery is the only way to cure hernia as this problem does not dissolve with any other treatment.
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Intestinal Obstruction

This surgery is required in a situation when there is a blockage in the movement or digestion of food. A minimally invasive procedure is commonly used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This surgery requires only small “keyhole” incisions in the abdomen.

Solid-organ Surgery

Solid organs include the spleen, kidneys, pancreas, and liver. To remove cancer or tumours in the organs, surgeons prefer minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries because it causes minimal pain and reduces the concern of going through a complicated treatment.

Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands

The thyroid is a small gland that is located at the lower part of the neck. Its function is to secrete hormones into the bloodstream of the body. A laparoscopic surgery is advised when the thyroid either releases more than the necessary amount or less than the required healthy dose of hormones.

After-Effects of Laparoscopic Surgery

After successful laparoscopic surgery, patients may experience a few after-effects, which they should be aware of:
  • Fatigue and discomfort
  • Abdominal Bloating
  • Sore throat and body pain due to a small amount of carbon dioxide residue that might be left during the operation
Going through a surgery might seem daunting, but laparoscopic surgery has proven to have more advantages than any traditional surgery.


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