With annual requirements from the state, it can be difficult to keep every employee in any business employing more than fifteen people fully educated on the current rules, laws, regulations, and mandates of appropriate workplace behavior. Walking the line between personable and professional is a skill honed with time by many seasoned businessmen and women, but with societal expectations growing and evolving, it can be tricky to stay up to date.
Preventing unnecessary distractions
Growing brands, hiring additional help, opening a new branch, or taking over a newly acquired business all mean fresh training opportunities. Giving your workers the same training courses in the day-to-day requirements of their job is a given, they must know how to do their job in order to do it efficiently. Special training for professional etiquette is just as necessary, as it ensures that your employees are treating each other with respect and contribute to the overall health of their professional work environment. New laws are being created regularly to protect the interests of all parties in various professional settings, as shown here.
Working under stress is a part of life. We have deadlines, quotas, and various other expectations to meet. Not all of our projects will unfold smoothly, in fact, many of them will be fraught with strife and irritating setbacks. Having a team that functions as a cohesive unit is an excellent way to share the load and delegate the tasks at hand to keep progress from stalling. Employees that respect and trust their coworkers can accomplish more because they aren’t micromanaging each other, worried more about their fellow staff holding up their end of things than of the duties they’ve been assigned.
Get help from the experts
Distractions can manifest in many ways, such as unexpected physical health issues, childcare troubles, or general family issues that come about with any living person, but there are some that can be prevented with the proper guidance. One of the biggest and most troublesome work distractions is sexual harassment. Sadly, it is a common problem for many companies and businesses with large and diverse staffs, but you can prevent it from making an appearance in your workplace with expert training.
You can open up a search engine and try to sort through thousands of results that likely will have less and less to do with what you’re looking for the further into them you scroll. Finding a company that delivers on both excellence and consistency can be a monumental task if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately for you, there are seasoned professionals available to help, and those are the experts at Traliant. With courses available to teach your crew the behaviors expected of them by the state-implemented regulations and mandates, they can help you be confident that your employees will keep their focus on the collective success of the business.
Education that protects
Should someone in your staff not have this training, or perhaps disregard it, the situations they can cause can be incredibly detrimental to the morale of your entire staff. Being forced into a deeply uncomfortable situation while in a place you should be able to wholly focus your energy on productivity can be a killer for the quality of work from a crew member who may usually be your star employee. Have you ever heard the phrase “one bad apple spoils the bunch”? It’s based on truth, one apple that has started the decaying process and is beginning to rot can release fumes that can cause the other apples, in a bag or bowl where they are stored, to do the same. An employee without respect for their coworkers or without an understanding of the expected etiquette of those on the clock can do exactly this.
There are numerous concerns that can arise from inappropriate interactions in the workplace, and with numbers like those shown in the link below, it’s clear that a job is stressful enough without added worries.
Return on your investment through employee retention
By making one employee miserable, they can force this person out of the social group, isolating them and leaving them to wonder if they would be better off just quitting their job. They may not want to make waves or stir up more trouble, many believe they are the problem or are not going to be validated and protected by their peers or boss. Rather than come to you or make a formal complaint through your Human Resources department, they could just turn in their notice and you would be left to wonder why. Instead of letting it come to this, you can protect their personal comfort and safety in the workplace by putting your crew through interactive, educational courses regarding sexual harassment in professional settings.