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August 8, 2022

5 Advantages to Track Buyer’s Journey Reports from Analytics

When you’re looking to improve your business, it can be tempting to just jump in and start trying things at random, but that’s not always the most effective way to go about things from WatchThemLive.

The first step in any journey of improvement should be learning about the current state of your business, or in other words, getting Buyer’s Journey Reports from Simple Analytics and maintaining psychographic segmentation. This can help you analyze what content you should be writing, what topics people want to read about, and how many people are clicking on each topic.

1) Know where your readers are starting

It’s important to know where your readers are starting their journey so you can better meet them there. With buyer’s journey reports, you can see exactly how people are finding your site and what pages they’re landing on.

Plus, you can track what pages they’re spending the most time on and where they’re dropping off. This information is invaluable for understanding your audience and making sure they’re seeing the content that’s most relevant to them.

2) See if you need to change your landing page content

A buyer’s journey report can help you understand how people interact with your website before they make a purchase. This information can be used to improve your website content and better target your marketing efforts.

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Additionally, buyer’s journey reports can help you identify potential areas of improvement on your website, such as increasing the number of calls to action or simplifying the checkout process. By understanding the buyer’s journey, you can make changes that lead to more sales and happier customers.

3) Drill into conversion issues with heatmaps

If you’re not happy with your website’s conversion rate, heatmaps can help you figure out where visitors are getting stuck. By seeing where people are clicking (or not clicking), you can make changes to improve the user experience and increase conversions.

4) Learn how long it takes to make a purchase

It can be helpful to know how long your typical buyer takes to make a purchase. This information can help you plan your marketing and sales efforts accordingly.

Additionally, it can help you identify any potential bottlenecks in your buyer’s journey. Here are five reasons to get buyer’s journey reports from Simple Analytics

5) Adjust buttons, calls-to-action, and CTAs based on the data

  1. You can use data from buyer’s journey reports to adjust your website buttons, calls-to-action, and CTAs.
  2. This data can help you improve your website’s conversion rate by showing you what is and isn’t working.
  3. Additionally, this data can help you fine-tune your sales funnel so that you’re making the most of every lead.
  4. The reports can also show you where people are dropping off in the buyer’s journey so that you can make changes to keep them engaged.
  5. Overall, getting buyer’s journey reports is a simple and effective way to improve your business by making data-driven decisions.


While you’re busy perfecting your marketing campaigns, are you neglecting to check the effectiveness of those campaigns at each stage of the customer journey? Buyer’s Journey Reports from Simple Analytics can help you figure out where in the process your customers are dropping off, what’s driving them to purchase, and how to get them to convert on more sales throughout their whole customer lifecycle. Learn more about why you should be getting Buyer’s Journey Reports from Simple Analytics now!


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